Tag Archives: server name

vRealize IaaS Essentials: Building your Windows Server 2012 Template on vSphere – Part 3 (OS Tuning)

Now that we have a base OS build completed, we need to start configuring the OS to the settings we want.

Step 1: Get VMware Tools Installed

Without VMware tools on the OS, many things are sluggish and just annoying. Most importantly it fixes the annoying mouse cursor tracking issues (this is even more noticable when you’re in a VDI session into a VMware Console).

  • Login to your vSphere Web Client and Locate your VM
  • Select the VM > Actions > Guest OS > Install VMware Tools...


  • You will get a prompt to mount the Tools ISO. Select Mount.


  • Now inside the OS, Open My Computer/This Computer and Tab over to the CD ROM Drive. I found it almost impossible with the mouse using the VRM Console until Tools was installed so I had no choice but to use the keyboard to get it done. A combination of Tab and Space did the trick.


  • Once you are there, run Setup and you should be presented with the VMware Tools installation screen.


  • Choose Next
  • Select Typical for your installation type



  • Once installation is complete, reboot the OS

Step 2: Fine tune your OS

First of all a big thanks to some of my twitter friends who gave some good suggestions on tweaks here. There is always going to be a debate as to what gets done in the template vs GPO/Configuration Management. I’d say the settings I set below are just the core ones necessary to facilitate deployment of an OS with ease. AD and configuration management should definitely come in after the fact and take care setting other OS settings to their necessary values.

  1. Patch the OS to the latest (It’s worth automating this in the future)
  2. Set Date/Time
  3. Set the OS Hostname to VM Template Name – this helps to know if sysprep worked etc.
  4. Disable the Windows Firewall
  5. Disable UAC
    1. http://social.technet.microsoft.com/wiki/contents/articles/13953.windows-server-2012-deactivating-uac.aspx
  6. Create a Local User account for use by vRealize (e.g. svc_vrealize). You can make sure this account gets disabled automatically as part of your builds or via Puppet, GPO to comply with security requirements. It helps however to be able to easily get into a system using vRO Guest File Operations via a local service account early on.

Also here is a useful link provided by Sean Massey who does a lot of tuning on the Desktop side: https://labs.vmware.com/flings/vmware-os-optimization-tool

Finally, remember to disconnect your CD ISO.

After turning your VM back into a template, we now have a template ready to deploy! Now we can get onto the fun stuff.

Server Name Generator – Part 2

Now that we have our partial name being created from Server Name Generator – Part 1, we can have a workflow that appends with a number and check to see if that name already exists within the environment.  The server names will be checked via DNS and via a text file named names.txt saved on the vRealize Orchestrator appliance.

First some pre-work needs to be done.  We need to be able to add host names as they are created to the “names.txt” file

1. Login as root onto the appliance
2. Locate and view the “js-io-rights.conf” file by running “: less /etc/vco/app-server/js-io-rights.conf.  The purpose of this file is explained here on VMware’s documentation site.


You will see “+rwx /var/run/vco/” as shown above.  This means vRO can read, write and execute from this location.  This is where will place our text file to write host names to.

3.  CD to var/run/vco and do a “touch names.txt” to create the file in that directory.

4.  As you can see we need to change the rights so run: chmod 666 names.txt to give read/write access to vRO.


Server Name Generator Workflow

General Attributes:

  • None


  • partialname: Type = String
  • domainSuffix: Type = String


  • vmName: Type = String
  • fqdnout: Type = String

The Concept:


The Code:

// Read temp server name list - prepare to invoke file writing capabilities if needed
var fr = new FileReader("/var/run/vco/names.txt");
var fw = new FileWriter("/var/run/vco/names.txt");

var content = fr.readAll();

// Initialize variables
var number = 1 ;
var temphost = 0 ; // If we don't set temphost to zero, we break out of for loop immediately

// Function to pad zeros on number that we increment while number is less then 10
function padzero(number) {
 return (number < 10 ? '0' : '') + number

// increment through hostnames until we find a hostname that does not exist

System.log("Your partial name is: " + partialName) ;
System.log("Starting loop --- ") ;

for (number=1; temphost != null; number++)
 var padded_number=padzero(number) ;
 var vmName = partialName + padded_number;
 if(content.search(vmName) <0)
 System.log("Server name: " + vmName + " not found in master list. Recording new name and continuing.") ;
 fw.open() ;
 fw.writeLine(" " + vmName) ;
 fw.close() ;
 var fqdn = vmName + "." + domainSuffix ;
 System.log("Checking host for existing DNS record: " + fqdn) ;
 var temphost = System.resolveHostName(fqdn) ;
 System.log("Check complete for FQDN: " + fqdn + " Found IP address of: " + temphost) ;
 System.sleep(500) ;
 System.log("Server Name: " + vmName + " found in master list - Incrementing with next number and starting over") ;
 temphost != null ;

// Log for debugging purposes
//Output FQDN
fqdnOut = fqdn;

System.log("") ;
System.log("The vmName to pass as output is: " + vmName);
System.log("The FQDN to use is: " + fqdnOut) ;

Download the workflow here

In the next post, we will put the two workflows together to pass the partial name to the server name generator for a completely automated name.

Server Name Generator – Part 1

Generate Partial Name Workflow

Summary/Use Cases:

So you finally agreed on a naming standard, congratulations!  This one uses a datacenter location  + network tier + OS + environment level (prod, test, dmz) + application type.  This workflow has several scriptable tasks within it to go with the naming standard we have chosen for servers.  An example server name with this workflow would be AKLP1L1APP (Auckland datacenter on the production VLAN running on a Linux OS for a generic application) with the sequential number appended at the end.  This workflow outputs a partial name to the Server Name Generator Workflow(coming in Part 2) depending on the drop-down choices a user can pick.  An action, is also used, that is dependent on Location in the Presentation of the workflow.   Only location Auckland will have DMZ as an option.

General Attributes:

  • datacenterSN: Type = String
  • networkSN: Type = String
  • envNUM: Type = Number
  • appSN: Type = String
  • osSN: Type = String



  • appType: Type = String
  • location: Type = String
  • network: Type = String
  • envLevel: Type = String
  • OS: Type = String


  • partialName: Type = String

The Workflow:

In the workflow, be sure to use notes to  describe what is being done in each task.


The Code:

Each scriptable task uses a switch statement with cases defined.

The Network task looks like:

//--TriTech Production environment---//
 case "Production":
 networkSN = "P1"
//--TriTech DMZ environment---//
 case "DMZ":
 networkSN = "Z1"

//--TriTech Test environment---//
 case "Test":
 networkSN = "T1"


System.log("The network shortname is " + networkSN);

The code is the same format for Location,Operating System, Environment and Application.


Instead of adding a list of predefined answers, you can create an Action with a Return type: Array/String



Code for the action

var result = new Array();
switch (DatacenterSN) 
      case "Auckland":

       case "Cape Town":

       case "London":

        result.push("Unknown Error. Contact automation team");
return result;


Now attach the action to the presentation of Network Tier by going to the Presentation tab on the workflow.
Presentation allows you options for your inputs, you can set a drop down list by using Predefined answers (probably the most common choice) or in this case we are choosing Predefined list of elements.


Select Network Tier

Hit the fun purple button to make an action call

Search in the filter box for your Action and tie it to Datacenter location









Now you should see the Get Action code for Network Tier




The end result.  Only DMZ in the Network Tier will Display for the Datacenter Location, Auckland.  This can be useful in other cases such as specific VLANs assigned to specific locations as well.


At the end, we put it all together with the Partial VM Name scriptable task:

partialName = datacenterSN + networkSN + osSN + envNum + appSN


Download the Generate Partial Name workflow here
We will use this later to create a full server name in the next post of the Server Name Generation series.