Tag Archives: amazon

Terraform – Assigning an AWS Key Pair to your EC2 Instance Resource

In the first post on Terraform, we took a look at how to create and destroy a simple EC2 instance. However, one of the common things we need to do in AWS is to assign a Key Value pair, as well as, Tag Instances with names, project codes, etc.

Assign a Key Value Pair

In order to access an EC2 instance once it is created, you need to assign an AWS EC2 Key Pair at the time of instantiating the instance. If you haven’t already done so, go ahead and create a Key Pair from the AWS Console by clicking the Key Pairs section on the left hand side. You will see a screen like the one below. Clicking Create Key Pair will walk you through the process.


During the process you will be prompted to save a private key file (.pem). Keep this safe as you will need it.

Now in Terraform, we are going to add one additional line under the resource section for our EC2 Instance. You can see in my screenshot above that my demo key pair is called “AWS EC2 – SEP 2016”, so we simply need to reference this by adding the following line.

key_name = "AWS EC2 - SEP 2016"

The end result looks like this:

EC2 with keypair

If you execute a terraform apply now, you will see that your new EC2 instance is created and the Key Pair name should appear correctly in the details pane.


Note, if you did not destroy your previous terraform configuration, and you deployed it just like in part 1 without a key pair, you will notice the following when you execute a terraform plan.


The reason for this is because you cannot assign a key pair to an already running EC2 instance. Terraform is letting you know that it will be forced to delete the instance and create a new one. When you perform your terraform apply, your end result will reflect this..


Otherwise that completes this post. Now you know how to use your key pairs. Terraform also has the power to create the pairs on demand which we will hopefully circle back around to in the future.

2 Ninjas and Amazon Web Services

Amy and I spend a good amount of time working on external projects. In fact, we discussed at the beginning of this year what we wanted to focus on. For me it has been wrapping up my Pluralsight Course for vRO, as well as, working on extending Tintri APIs to meet business use cases. For Amy, it’s been knee deep in automating the world at UCMC, as well as, working and discussing ideas around community and charity work that we hope to start early next year.

For the rest of this year, we are going to now continue our Real World Cloud Series and given the rise in AWS ,which does not seem to be slowing down, we’ve decided to get going on a series focused around AWS. We are going to start off in the IaaS services first, expand these into the automation and service catalog discussions that we have on a day to day basis. After that we will continue on to gather AWS certifications. I will also be blogging about this on the Ahead blog site from a higher level and business standpoint. There are tons of useful posts there from many of my colleagues whom I work with so definitely check it out.

We have created 2 pages to organize this:

AWS Guides

AWS Solutions Architect Associate Exam

In some cases, both pages will share some of the same blog posts but hopefully this helps if you are just trying to focus on the exam.  It will all become clear as the posts start to come out in the next few months.