Tag Archives: infrastructure automation

New Pluralsight Course: Automating AWS and vSphere with Terraform

I’m proud to announce that as of 10:30pm CST last night, my new Pluralsight course “Automating AWS and vSphere with Terraform” has been released!

You can find all of the details about the course on Pluralsight here.

Terraform has been a technology I was keen to get into, and this course is ultimately a 101 course on using Terraform functionality with AWS and vSphere. I decided to build this course across On-Premises and a Public Cloud because of the massive growth in Hybrid Management technologies that we are seeing today (and the amount of bad information in the industry vs real world).

Terraform as you will see in the course can solve many use cases. In addition, if you augment it with other tools in your arsenal, can be an extremely powerful way to perform most of your Infrastructure Automation.

The course covers the following topics:

  • Terraform Overview
  • Installing Terraform
  • Terraform Constructs
  • Using Terraform with AWS
  • Using Terraform with vSphere
  • Terraform Variables and Modules
  • Code Control and Provisioners

As always, please let me know if you have any feedback. Otherwise I hope you enjoy the course!